110 Middle Ave., Second Floor, Elyria, OH 44035
(440) 323-6180

Felony Consultation

The consequences of a felony charge are far more severe than a misdemeanor.

We understand the stress that an arrest or criminal investigation has on an alleged offender. Depending on the crime, repercussions can include prison stays and, in drastic cases, even the death penalty. 

In addition to the known and devastating potential punishments for felonies, there are other collateral consequences; a felony can jeopardize your firearm rights, limit your employment opportunities and put restrictions on other freedoms.

We work closely with our clients and maintain open communication so every question is answered and every concern is addressed.

Fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you shortly to schedule a consultation.

Don’t want to wait? Give us a call now at (440) 323-6180